Linking Social Protection to Sustainable Employment

Policy makers are increasingly looking at the contribution of social protection programmes to promote livelihoods and assist poor and vulnerable people in accessing jobs in the formal and informal sectors. These webinars explore different programmes worldwide that are creating short- or long-term employment opportunities, as well as producing multiplier effects on local economic development by increasing demand for labour and for goods and services. This series is organised by the Social Protection for Employment Community (SPEC).


  • 21.Sustainable Livelihood Programme (SLP) of the Philippines: Linking Cash Transfer to Sustainable Livelihood Development

  • 27. BRAC's Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach: Evidence, Innovations and Intersection with Social Protection

  • 35. Chile’s Intersectoral Social Protection System and its Familia Programme

  • 36. Poverty reduction in the rural sector – What can countries learn from China’s experience? Achievements, challenges and the way forward in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals

  • 37. Social Protection in East Africa: Harnessing the Future

  • 61. Social protection and the changing labour market: finding the missing links

  • 66. SPEC Webinar 7 - Seeking economic inclusion for refugees: a case study of the Graduation Approach in Ecuador

  • 74. SPEC 8 - Integrating the Graduation approach with government social protection and employment generation programmes: sharing experiences from Asia and Africa

  • 94. SPEC Webinar 9 - Integrating Graduation into Cash Transfer Programmes: Experiences from Latin America

  • 109. SPEC Webinar 10: Aligning Public Employment Programmes and Adaptive Social Protection

  • 186. Key Issues of Data Protection for Social Protection and Implications for Linking Social Protection to Sustainable Employment

  • 197. Increased Resilience in the face of Covid-19: RCT results from the Graduation Program Emprendiendo una Vida Mejor in Honduras Protection

  • 207. SPEC Webinar 13 - Resilience Building and Adaptability of Graduation Approach: Experience of and Evidence from BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Programme in responding to COVID-19 Shocks in Bangladesh