
5 December 2019 


Adaptive social protection is conceptualised as a series of measures aimed at building the resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable people to climate change by combining elements of social protection, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Public employment programmes (PEPs) are designed as labour-intensive infrastructure development initiatives aimed at providing cash transfers, food-based payments, livelihood generation, etc. 

The key questions addressed during this webinar were: (1) How can PEPs effectively be used to reduce the occurrence of recurring disasters such as droughts, floods etc? (2) How can PEPs act as temporary assistance mechanisms during sudden climate-related shocks? (3) How can PEPs ensure that the needs of poor and vulnerable communities and women are addressed adequately during climate shocks and extreme weather events? 


  • Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Programme Team, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India 
  • N.H. Ravindranath, Centre for Sustainable Technologies Indian Institute of Science  
  • Nikos Nikolidakis, Programme Component Manager Africa/Asia Global Alliances for Social Protection, GIZ 

Moderator: Rajeev Ahal, Director of Natural Resource Management, GIZ India 

Webinar materials:


Registrants: 40


Attendees: 16


Youtube views: 118

(until august/2020)